Build a Faraday Cage: How to Make One On Your Own

By James Barton •  6 min read

Although the chance of an EMP attack is quite low, we cannot deny the fact that it might really happen in the future. An EMP attack can take down a power grid which will cause communication to be disabled. So, to be prepared, it is important to build a Faraday cage and making one is actually not that difficult.

History of the Faraday Cage

Although the Faraday cage was invented by Michael Faraday in 1836, it was Benjamin Franklin who started the idea. It began when Franklin was playing around with electricity and what happened is not something he is familiar with.

Years later, Faraday made experiments to prove the idea of Franklin through his famous ice pail experiment. Aside from that, he also tried lining a room with metal foil which he charged with electricity. To his surprise, no electricity penetrated the room because the electroscope that he placed inside did not detect any electrical charges.

At present, the concept of the Faraday cage is being used in a lot of things. A perfect example is a microwave because the appliance itself is a Faraday cage because it prevents radiation from getting out. So basically, a Faraday cage is an enclosure that prevents electromagnetic radiation from coming in or getting out.

How to Build a Faraday Cage

For a prepper or any person for that matter, having a Faraday cage is important because this is where you can put your valuable electronics when an EMP attack happens. Here are the steps on how to build your own Faraday cage if you don’t want to buy one.

Cardboard box Faraday cage



Tin can Faraday cage



Wood and aluminum screen Faraday cage



Phone Faraday pouch



Faraday Cage “Room”

Some people go to the lengths of creating a room that can block electromagnetic radiation. Making one needs planning and proper designing because this one is no joke. A simple but a not so stylish solution is to cover the room, from floor to ceiling, with perforated aluminum foil. That is if you are OK with your room looking like a giant aluminum foil.

A drawback of this, however, is low-frequency magnetic radiation, like wireless power transmitters and short waves will still be able to penetrate. Also, you can’t use electricity inside but you can use battery-operated devices such as clocks.

So, if you are concerned with design and functionality, the best solution definitely, is to hire professionals who do this kind of stuff but prepare your pocket for the amount of money you are going to spend. Even though you will be spending that much, you are assured that the room is effective in shielding electromagnetic radiation.

Final Words

Creating your own Faraday cage is quite an easy project but it is going to be a different story if you want to shield an entire room or if you are more ambitious an entire house. It is best to do some research first before starting so you can be sure that what you’re building is effective.

Moreover, some of our everyday items can be used to create a simple Faraday cage. And with the instructions above, you can make one on your own effortlessly.

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